Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County has a group of compassionate and dedicated individuals on our side who are willing to do whatever it takes to help change children’s lives for the better.

Board of Directors

Denise Greenbeck Hess, President

Dr. Mary Hendrickson, First Vice President of Development & Big Sister

Kathy Curtin, Second Vice President of Programming & Big Sister

Ty Hemmis, Treasurer

Brooke Kerbs, Secretary

Paul Dexter, Big Brother

Trina Johnson

Corey Linthicum

Laura Oates

Krystle O’Brien

Gary Weaver

Jim Zuna


Tom Kline, Chief Executive Officer

Abby Whittington, Match Program Coordinator & Big Sister

Karla Baker, Match Support Specialist

Kerry Fair, Enrollment & Matching Coordinator

Angela Yamashita, Little Leadership Academy Group Mentoring Program Coordinator & Big Sister

Sarah Banks, Little Leadership Academy Group Mentoring Program Facilitator & Big Sister

Janet Slack, Bookkeeper & Big Sister

Heritage Membership

The Heritage Membership is an honorary membership that is bestowed upon any past board member, Big or Little who has contributed significantly to the good of the agency.

Tom Breidenstein

Verna Brown

Laura Horning

Ralph Mauriello

JoAnn Plum

Elaine Rose

Alice Sencindiver

David St. Clair


When you support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County, you change lives for children here in your community.